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The Brass Junkies 79: Adam Frey

Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

The Brass Junkies 79: Adam Frey

Andrew Hitz

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Adam Frey is a phenomenal euphonium player and runs the International Euphonium Tuba Conference every year in Atlanta. Lance and I have known Adam for a very long time, especially Lance, so we had a good time with this one.

From the show notes:

Adam Frey has had a great career as a soloist, publisher, teacher and major proponent of the euphonium and has endured Lance's hump-busting for over twenty years.

He is also the mastermind behind both the fantastic International Euphonium-Tuba (IET) Festival and He currently teaches at the University of North Georgia.

In this fun and lively conversation, we cover:

  • Euphonium jokes
  • How Adam and Lance met in the Brass Band of Battle Creek
  • Tales of the Badger (dearly departed mega friend, Chris Matten)
  • Meeting James Gourlay
  • Teaching at the University of North Georgia
  • Playing in Macau
  • IET Festival, 15th anniversary in the summer of 2018
  • How he started the festival and how it is organized
  • The importance of good coffee when running a festival
  • Being an ambassador of the euphonium and the Ambassador of Euphonium
  • Fernando Deddos, David Childs, and other influential current players
  • Creating opportunities and the importance of collaboration
  • Working with Patricio Cosentino, Scott Hartman, and Jeff Nelsen
  • Having good ideas vs. having good ideas and acting on them
  • Starting and running

You can check out the complete show notes including all of the links mentioned during this episode over at Pedal Note Media.