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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Category: TEM

TEM320: You Know What They Say About Opinions...

Andrew Hitz

I haven’t done a very good job of posting episodes of The Entrepreneurial Musician here on my personal website and I am going to try to be better about that moving forward!

This week’s episode is about why even well-intentioned advice can be wrong.

TEM315: How Bill Walton Gave the World Courage

Andrew Hitz

The world lost a real one yesterday. Bill Walton was not just a basketball superstar. He was one of the biggest music fans in the world and lived his life with an out loud passion that was contagious.

TEM315 is about how he gave the world courage and how we can best utilize that as the creators of music that he idolized.

When I see people acting courageously I can’t help but be more courageous myself. As a result, every act of courage I witness is a gift to me.

Thank you, Bill. You were one of one and a real one.

Everything Must Be Paid for Twice

Andrew Hitz

(The following originally appeared on the TEM Blog)

I stumbled onto this blog post and it has my head spinning! Here’s an excerpt:

“If you look around your home, you might notice many possessions for which you’ve paid the first price but not the second. Unused memberships, unread books, unplayed games, unknitted yarns.”

The author points out that there’s a first price (which is usually money) to acquire things like books or a budgeting app but that a second price must be paid in order to actually use the thing, like taking the time to read the book or set up the app.

He argues that the second price is frequently higher than the first price and speaks to the negative effects of accumulating things where we have yet to pay the second price:

But no matter how many cool things you acquire, you don’t gain any more time or energy with which to pay their second prices—to use the gym membership, to read the unabridged classics, to make the ukulele sound good — and so their rewards remain unredeemed.

I believe this is one reason our modern lifestyles can feel a little self-defeating sometimes. In our search for fulfillment, we keep paying first prices, creating a correspondingly enormous debt of unpaid second prices. Yet the rewards of any purchase – the reason we buy it at all — stay locked up until both prices are paid.

How does this specifically relate to my own journey as an entrepreneurial musician with a portfolio career?

I am a firm believer in online courses. The best of them offer instant, in-depth access to the world’s foremost experts on just about anything. We have never lived in a better time to learn, really learn, from the best in the world.

But there is a problem with online courses.

There’s always another one!

I have purchased a number of online courses that I haven’t even begun. And purchasing yet another course, no matter how great the sale is or how relevant the material is to my journey, isn’t helping me dig out of that hole.

So in 2022 I made a rule that I am no longer purchasing any online courses until I actually complete some of them. It’s not like I’m sitting on a dozen of them but the number also isn’t two! And with each passing purchase I felt a little more overwhelmed by all of these uncompleted (and sometimes unstarted - which I just made a word) courses. So I’ve hit timeout.

I also bought a subscription to QuickBooks last year to get organized with my finances so that tax time wasn’t so chaotic.

But it turns out that second price of that purchase was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. I not only had to set it up but I then had to keep inputting data over and over and over again.

You might be sitting there wondering “well how the hell did you think it was going to work?” and you would be right to ask that. I just underestimated how much work it would be to stay on top of the data input.

I don’t regret the decision and don’t consider the subscription wasted money. I needed to experience it before I realized that two days of chaos at tax time was a lower second price for me than updating the app every week (meaning 50+ times a year.)

I would recommend the four minutes it will take to read the full blog post. It made me more thoughtful about acquiring things and encouraged me to use the things I already have - both good things!

I’ll leave you with two questions to ask yourself:

What things have you acquired where you have yet to pay the second price? And for each, should you pay that second price now, get rid of it, or stay the course?

TEM280: Embracing Change

Andrew Hitz

Episode 280 of The Entrepreneurial Musician Podcast is all about embracing change.

I get into all of the massive changes I am going through right now, both professionally and personally, and how I am attempting to cultivate a growth mindset to view all of it as an opportunity to grow.

You can find the full show notes over at the TEM website: TEM280 show notes.

TEM254: Monica Ellis of Imani Winds

Andrew Hitz


Monica Ellis has been the bassoon player for Imani Winds since founding it 25 years ago and is a creative force in the musical world.

Apple Podcasts


TEM254: Monica Ellis of Imani Winds

Monica Ellis has been the bassoon player for Imani Winds since founding it 25 years ago and is a creative force in the musical world.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • The past collaborations between Imani Winds and Boston Brass and how special it was to combine so many seasoned chamber musicians

  • The importance of bringing a point of view when making music

  • The people, the mission and the “badassery” that have enabled Imani Winds to survive and thrive for 25 years when so many other groups don’t make it a fraction of that time

  • How a group having a strong foundation and premise helps things to always be moving forward when adversity arises

  • How each time Imani Winds has brought on a new member they have brought their own authentic selves to the group (and why they always look for strong personalities)

  • Why the backstage relationship is what brings the magic to the stage in a chamber ensemble

  • The enormous amount of opportunities presented to Monica and Imani Winds and how they decide when to say no

  • How Monica is able to be so present in her family’s life while also being so involved with Imani Winds (note this is NOT the how can you be a mother and have a career question!)

  • Why “turning the switch off” is important as a musical entrepreneur since there is always something else still to do

  • How the mission of Imani Winds has evolved over time (and how their mission started by knowing what they didn’t want to do)

  • The musical storytelling that Imani Winds has done over the last 25 years

  • Why no matter how young you are, you don’t need to wait to tell an interesting story

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

TEM253: The real reason your rates are so low

Andrew Hitz


The thing we are afraid of and why we should realize that the hardest part is already done.

Apple Podcasts


TEM253: The real reason your rates are so low

The thing we are afraid of and why we should realize that the hardest part is already done.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • Why we charge people less than we really think we are worth (and why the reason doesn’t hold up to scrutiny)

  • The hardest emotional part of a sale and why it’s already done once someone has contacted you to inquire about your services

  • Why we must not associate us promoting our music with pushy sell at all costs tactics like they use at car dealerships (and how we frequently do equate them on some subconscious level)

  • This week’s quote is Naval Ravikant saying more in four words than I can say in four episodes!

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

TEM252: Your most productive days

Andrew Hitz


Five choices that are the key to having your most productive days.

Apple Podcasts


TEM252: Your most productive days

Five choices that are the key to having your most productive days.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • The completely overhauled and simplified TEM Patreon

  • Five decisions that can lead to having your most productive days

  • A great quote from Jim Rohn on running your day rather than your day running you

  • A reminder that if your business doesn’t have a hard part then you don’t have a business

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

TEM251: The Goldilocks Rule

Andrew Hitz


The power of working on tasks that are just right.

Apple Podcasts


TEM251: The Goldilocks Rule

The power of working on tasks that are just right.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • The Goldilocks Rule and why it’s important to always keep it in mind

  • How I’ve applied it to my recent foray into video editing

  • My challenge to you of going on record with me and yourself about which task that falls into the Goldilocks Zone for you that you are going to commit to moving forward on by emailing me at

  • A great quote from Lily Tomlin

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

TEM250: Eric Branner of Fons

Andrew Hitz


The co-founder and CEO of Fons on the value of enthusiasm, his belief in people and why you can safely double your rates.

Apple Podcasts


TEM250: Eric Branner of Fons

The co-founder and CEO of Fons on the value of enthusiasm, his belief in people and why you can safely double your rates.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • Eric’s journey from a very small town in rural Virginia to the big city of Seattle and why he feels his education didn’t 

  • Why founding and running Fons has been like being in a band

  • Eric’s desire to be around people who know a lot more about something than he does and where that desire comes from

  • How earlier in his journey he made up for a lack of education with enthusiasm and why he looks for enthusiasm when partnering with people

  • His belief that everyone is able to find that thing that will light them up

  • His honesty about saying yes to too many things at times

  • Why not everything needs to be scalable

  • His decision to cut back on guitar teaching even though he was making six figures doing it because he could feel himself getting burned out

  • Why you are safe to double your rates

  • Why not charging very much for something is a form of hiding

  • The power of situational awareness

  • The lesson that Andrew’s father taught him in high school that has stuck with him to this day

  •  The Goldilocks Rule and how he applied it to starting Fons

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

TEM249: The Power of Social Proof

Andrew Hitz


How one well-placed quote can turn a prospect into a client almost instantly.

Apple Podcasts


TEM249: The power of social proof

How one well-placed quote can turn a prospect into a client almost instantly.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • TEM Book Club meets this Sunday, February 6th at 8:00 pm to discuss Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s a life-changing book!

  • The origin of the term social proof by Dr. Robert Cialdini

  • Why social proof is so powerful in converting prospects into clients

  • How musicians can utilize social proof

  • How to accumulate social proof (and how to make it easier on the people you ask)

  • Breaking down a wonderful quote I got from a client about TEM Coaching

  • A quote from Shirley Chisholm on making progress

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at: